Wanderer Extraordinaire

Coldpaw Club

Coldpaw Club Tail Sale

Is happening now and we can use some more bidders.  For some reason, I’ve found myself waiting my turn up here, so, Second Lifers, come along to the Coldpaw Club! This link is your teleport.

Don’t judge me, love me.


Tail Sale @ Coldpaw Club

So, with a little bit of luck, we’re having what Coldpaw calls a “tail sale.”  Basically, you can buy a date with someone from the club.  I wanna say it’ll be at around 1 PM SLT Sunday, but I’ll update this with the proper time (if it happens to be different) when we get the notification.

This should be fun. o.o

Like The Rift, the Coldpaw Club is adults only, so please be 18+ years old if you plan to join us.

Location information to come.